Video Presentation As the semester comes to a close, you will produce a seven minute presentation highlighting your Celestia planetary system and then submit that video to CranNet. There are a number of different screen capture applications, most with a free trial period, that you can use to assemble your video. Search the web for the one that seems most appropriate for you.The video must be uploaded to OneNote by 17:00 on the afternoon of Thursday, January 17, 2024.Grading Rubric for the Video Presentation The video is worth 50 points.20 Four points times five each for a look at and a verbal description of at least five of your planets5 Five points, one for each of five moons visited10 Ten points for a tour of your asteroid belt5 Five points for a look at your two comets 5 Five points for using the Celestia program efficiently 5 Five points for a length of at least five minutes