Many meteorites from Mars have been found recently. Close examination of at least one of these meteorites suggests the presence of life. Is there life on Mars today? This site gives you everything you need to make you own conclusions. Spacecraft which came after the early Mariners have given us images from the surface itself. In the mid seventies, the Viking Landers gave us the first of these images. Mars Odyssey did detailed mapping. The Mars Exploration Rovers spent about six years crawling around the surface of Mars. How does one land on Mars? It isn’t easy. One way to do it is with air bags. Most recently, the Mars Science Laboratory endured Seven Minutes of Terror. The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft took more than 100,000 images! Images from Mars seem to show evidence of sedimentary rock on Mars. Does this mean that water once flowed freely on the surface of Mars? Look at this image of the crater Yuty, which seems to have made a splat when the impactor hit permafrost. The latest mission to the surface of Mars is the Mars Scientific Laboratory, which was given the name Curiousity. We now have incredibly high resolution images from the surface. The surface of Mars somewhat resembles the desert area of northwest Arizona here on Earth, just outside Tuba City.. Shooting for the movie ‘The Martian’ had its own challenges in order to make it real. Can we expect humans to travel to Mars soon?
Carpe Caelum Planetary Astronomy
Carpe Caelum Planetary Astronomy